Register PRep Node Public Key

The process of registering a PRep Node Public Key requires you to first generate a public key from the node wallet and then invoke the registerPRepNodePublicKey (opens in a new tab) method of the chain contract (cx000..00).

Using goloop CLI

If you dont have the goloop CLI installed in your computer please follow these instructions.

Check if a Public Key exists

To verify if a PRep address has already registered a Public Key using the goloop CLI you can use the following command:

goloop rpc call --to cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
 --method getPRepNodePublicKey \
 --param address=hxfc56203484921c3b7a4dee9579d8614d8c8daaf5 \

Replace the address with your prep address.

If the response emits null, you need to register the public key. If it emits a hex string value, thats the Public Key and no further action is required.

Alternatively you can use the tracker, click on the "Contract" tab, and find the getPRepNodePublicKey method. You should then enter your P-Rep's address.

Link: (opens in a new tab)

Generate Public Key

To generate the Public Key using the goloop CLI you can use the goloop ks pubkey command (opens in a new tab) command as shown in the following example:

goloop ks pubkey -k KEYSTORE_FILE.json -p KEYSTORE_PASSWORD

Note: If you are using a node address, use that keystore and password to generate the public address.

Register Public Key

To register a public key we can use the goloop CLI to send a transaction calling the registerPRepNodePublicKey method of the chain contract as shown in the following example:

goloop rpc sendtx call --to cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
 --method registerPRepNodePublicKey \
 --param address=hxe45ef7de9eef0200a4090e57d6b92f40377eaea1 \
 --param pubKey=0x02b5f48123b05497c1e39d532b8de987c4d87e0156a03539fc9880d886422506c6 \
 --key_store KEYSTORE_FILE.json \
 --key_password KEYSTORE_PASSWORD \
 --uri \
 --nid 2 \
 --step_limit 0x30000

Alternatively you can use the tracker. Use your prep address and the public key as the inputs to the transaction for the registerPRepNodePublicKey method.

Using Javascript and curl

Check if a Public Key exists

You can verify if your PRep node has already registered a Public Key by calling the getPRep (opens in a new tab) method of the chain contract.

The response object will have a param called hasPublicKey showing if a Public Key has already been registered or not.

The following curl command showcase how to call the getPRep readonly method of the chain contract.

curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"icx_call","id":484,"params":{"to":"cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000","dataType":"call","data":{"method":"getPRep", "params": {"address": "hxb6b5791be0b5ef67063b3c10b840fb81514db2fd"}}}}' https://RPC_URL:PORT/api/v3

The following example shows the response of the call.

  "result": {
    "address": "hxb6b5791be0b5ef67063b3c10b840fb81514db2fd",

Generate Public Key

You can also use the icon-sdk-js (opens in a new tab) and call the .getPublicKey(bool) method of the IconWallet object (opens in a new tab) to generate a Public key.

* Get public key of wallet instance.
* param {bool} compressed - Select compressed or uncompressed key
* @return {string} The public key.
* returns compressed/uncompressed publicKey according to passed `compressed` argument

Instantiate a wallet object from the IconWallet object class (opens in a new tab) using your private key and call the .getPublicKey(true) method to get your wallet private key.

// Load wallet object
const wallet = IconWallet.loadPrivateKey('2ab···e4c');
// Get public key of `Wallet` instance.
const publicKey = wallet.getPublicKey(true)

RPC Call for registering Public Key

The following is an example of the RPC JSON Call required to call registerPRepNodePublicKey.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "icx_call",
  "id": 1234,
  "params": {
    "to": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "from": "hxb6b5791be0b5ef67063b3c10b840fb81514db2fd",
    "nid": "0x1",
    "version": "0x3",
    "timestamp": "0x603670a75b140",
    "stepLimit": "0x1312d00",
    "nonce": "0x1",
    "dataType": "call",
    "data": {
      "method": "registerPRepNodePublicKey",
      "params": {
        "pubKey": "038b...34",
        "address": "hxb6b5791be0b5ef67063b3c10b840fb81514db2fd"
    "signature": "Wk/...30gE="