Using goloop CLI

Goloop CLI is a terminal utility that you can use to generate accounts and make RPC JSON requests easily from the command line.

For a list of all the commands that you can use please visit the following link (opens in a new tab).

Generating private keys, public keys and addresses

Using the goloop CLI you can create keystores files (opens in a new tab) (accounts) easily by using the following command:

$ goloop ks gen -p 1234

The -p flag can be used to setup the password for the keystore file.

Generating a signature and sending an RPC JSON request

Authentication and generating the signature for a transaction is handled internally by the goloop CLI, you just need to specify the keystore file and the password to send the RPC JSON request for a transaction.

An example of a transaction for sending ICX to another account is described in the following code block:

$ goloop rpc sendtx transfer --uri "http://localhost:9000/api/v3" --nid "3" --step_limit "2000000" --to "hxb6b5791be0b5ef67063b3c10b840fb81514db2fd" --value "1000" --key_password "1234" --key_store ./path/to/wallet.json

For a list of all possible commands related to RPC JSON Requests please visit the following link (opens in a new tab).